Thank You

Thank you for visiting my blog and accompanying me on my journey... to who knows where...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tweak tweak tweak

I Googled some of the "run/walk" programs, and none of them were exactly what I had used before. Some of the programs call for you to "run until you are tired, then walk until you feel like running again, and then run until you are tired...repeat for 30 minutes". This might be good for some people, but I want exact numbers so that I can see if I am improving.

After I looked at some of the programs, I sat down with pencil and paper, and came up with this:

Run 1 minute
Walk 2 minutes 45 seconds
Repeat 8 times

It equals 30 minutes. I'll give it a shot on Saturday. Tomorrow I get to ride my bike!

Alright, lemmie go get my shower and get the rest of my day started.

Bye 4 Now,



Unknown said...


I came across your website via RBF (runners love acronyms, but not as much as the Government!)

I thought that I would encourage you on your Saturday Run/Walk excursion! Way to Go... You seem pretty detail orientated to tweak, tweak, tweak, but don't worry if you walk more than you run... and whatever you do don't start off too fast! You'll pay for it later.

Stick to your guns! Next thing you know you'll be running for 2:45 and walking for 1!

Terry from Knoxville, TN

Garou said...

Good luck with Saturday's run. As planet3rry said, don't start too fast; just pick a sustainable pace and you'll be able to see improvement. I bet that you'll be walking for 3 and running for 1 quicker than you think.

(I too came across your site as part of the RBF. I've read some of your recent posts, and posted a longish response to your "Coach P" story on my blog.)

Anonymous said...

I wandered over to your blog from Garou's post about your coach story. Good luck with finding a program that will work for you. Just keep searching and you will find something.

Iron Jayhawk said...

This sounds like a good plan! Let us know how it goes tomorrow. OK?