Thank You

Thank you for visiting my blog and accompanying me on my journey... to who knows where...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Let Me Clear Something Up...

I slept a little late this morning, and had a few errands to run, and by the time I got back home, the sun was high in the sky and it was too hot to run. So, I am going this evening when it is a little cooler. I never really thought I'd say this, but I can't wait for my run this evening.

Let me clear something up right now. When I say to you that I am going for a "run", I don't want you to get the impression that I am actually going to "run"!!! (I can see how you might get confused!!!) Ok...let me explain. What you see, and what I feel are two completely different things.

What you see: A big, fat, woman walking, and holding tightly a leash that is connected to a big dog. Her feet are not lifting very high off the ground, she is not going very fast, she appears to be in mild distress, she is panting, her walk is not a slow walk but not a jog and certainly could never be considered a "run". She appears to be holding onto the leash for support. Is that dog actually holding her up? You're thinking "I wonder if she needs some assistance. Perhaps she needs a ride home! Maybe I should help!"

What I feel:
I have my earphones in, I am gripping Thunder's leash, I am happy and smiling, my music is making me feel like I am going pretty fast. I feel like I am really moving at a fast clip! I look ahead and I don't see the houses of my neighbors, I see a lot of people on the road, they are cheering for me. I look good. I am really moving now! I think I am running a marathon. I am very confident. When I run, I am not fat. When I run, I am not slow. When I run, I am not unsure. I am happy and confident and moving fast. You might think I am walking, but I know that I am running. I love to run. I love the music, I love the time away from the husband and kids, and the time in my own head, and I love to watch Thunder run. He looks beautiful.

So, when I say that I am "running" , now you'll know what I mean!

I'll talk to you this evening after my "run".



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